Re-learn this world when I am around going throught it for 30 years? Yes indeed. So much for my naive thinking all these years that the world is spinning like a cute little merry-go-round riding on a pony and holding a candy on my hand. That could just be a little dream for a small kid...way too perfect.
So what's is the reality of where I am standing right now? It's not about whether we can adapt changes, but rather is can we take the pain of changes. A friend once told me, nothing is permenant. I agreed to that, everything!...including human...can change in a fortnight. When your trust can be totally wreck, it's painful arn't it? 3 years! I took 3 full years to wake up from my naiveness and start to think...kinda long for me, but at least I've understand. Maybe I am blessed in some way in the past that makes me mentally weak all along...which contributes to all those pains I've got now? well maybe...
Lots of crazyness that happened, to me or to others...have really made me feel a little uneasy of this world. Was it the world itself degraded itself or was it intented to be made this way? It just too absure to me.
I guess I am just not to used to some cruel reality...learning to live with it, and trying my best to cling on the hope that the world can be pure and wonderful someday! Removed all sins from human natural! And everyone live for the sake of bring happiness to others! ~dreaming? oh I guess (...and dun misunderstand, I am not holy in any way!)
What Gabriel need (wishlist for God to see):
"True friends" + "A lovely wife" + "A wonderful family"
...can I? can I? =/ dunno~